18 Ekim 2008 Cumartesi


My father has a furniture company in which the manufacturing of the products are made in his own fabric, Pako. I worked near him in summer of 2004. First of all, I thought that I would have my own chair, table and computer, also internet in my comfortable office. After there were few days later which were for prepearing days to fabric, I understood something about my coming days. My father said general maneger ‘eti senin kemiği benim’ and dire straits started for me. Then I started with finding places which is useless and listing them. After one week passed, I contınued with measure time. I thought that it was easy and I was pleased. I worked this job 2weeks. I proceed my next job sharpining iron. It was really the hardest one. Because you have to wear it’s special eye-glass and gloves while you were working on about 40 degree. I have to take lots of breaks myself. One time, I took a break myself again and went to the dining hall. My father catched me and advised me. İt was really experience for me. Because I know that I can’t do everything what I want in my life.

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